Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Not-So-Comprehensive but Mouthwatering Street Food Map of India

Here’s a small talk hack for those who don’t excel at the often essential skill of small talk — When in a gathering of people from different Indian cities, just clear your throat, raise a glass, smile, and speak these words “What’s your favourite street food?”

Now let’s face it, there are a few things as easy as starting a heated debate about food in India. You could be a foodie, a chef, a food writer or someone who watches Masterchef while eating takeout — everyone (mostly) has something to say about food. And when it comes to street food, the bar just shoots up. Everything comes in the picture — right from favourite cities, and childhood memories, to that story shared at a street food joint on your first date, and the guy who makes the best of something in the entire world. It is exhilarating and exhausting, exciting and mouthwatering all at the same time.

We, at The Better India, did the same thing. We tried to start this small talk by giving our readers a view of India’s map, the street food style. THIS MAP. Cleary a not-so-comprehensive street food map but one that lists some of the best.

food map

And let’s just say, small talk or not, the party is still on. Hundreds of you have written to us so far, sharing names of your favourite street food with us. And we have made hundreds of you very angry about missing out on your most loved dish. We love it all.

We also made a few mistakes in getting some names right. We are sorry about that. Your feedback helped us not just correct them, but learn more about the intricacies of Indian food.

So here’s inviting the rest of you to our #FoodIsLove party. Share this map with all your loved one. You can share wherever you wish — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. So tell us? What’s your favourite street food?

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