Friday, September 24, 2021

Can Diabetics Eat Aloo Bukhara? Here’s Why Science Says You Must Eat More Plums

As a kid I would always wonder why plums were referred to as ‘aloo bukhara’. It does not look like ‘aloo’ (potatoes) and what does ‘bukhara’ even mean? My first impressions as a child was that aloo bukhara is probably a cure for fever. Several Google searches later I found that Bukhara is a place in Uzbekistan. 

Much to the satisfaction of my younger self, I found out that plums do have several health benefits. Various studies have been conducted to validate why my elders were keen on their insistence of having plums.

Before we divulge into the nutrient aspect of plum here’s some interesting trivia about the sweet and sour fruit: 

Plums come from the same family as almonds and peaches which is Rosacea and genus prunus domestica. They grow in various shapes, colours (yellow, green, red, white, etc) and sizes. ‘Healing Foods’, a book by DK Publishing, has mention of over 2,000 varieties of plums.

The fleshy stone fruit can be consumed directly or as a value-added product like jams, salads, desserts, juice, sauce, etc. 

It contains vitamin A, C & K, potassium, chromium, potassium, selenium, dietary fibre and copper. They have an average of 30 calories per fruit and are low in fat. 

‘Aloo Bukhara’ a Wholesome Fruit

The different vitamin contents of the fruit have a vast number of benefits. 

For instance, Vitamin C, an antioxidant, helps manufacture collagen that acts as a healer for damaged skin cells and stimulates new blood vessel formation. The antioxidants have phenols in them that protects cells membranes and neurons in case of injuries. 

Vitamin K and potassium can easily absorb iron and copper that enhances red blood cell formation and purifies the blood. Vitamin A helps improve eyesight.

Having dietary fibre further makes this fruit healthy, especially for those with poor digestive systems. The fibre contents are perceived to promote healthy gastrointestinal (GI) function and improve stool stool frequency. 

Additionally, dried plums or prunes have sorbitol that acts as a laxative that relieves constipation. 

Plums are great when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels too for people who have Type 1 or 2 diabetes. They have a low glycaemic index, which means it is considered a safe choice for diabetics. They have slow-release carbs that may be beneficial for regulating blood sugar levels.

Having read the multiple benefits of adding a handful of plums to your diet, try to find new and fun ways to incorporate this fruit into your meals.

Here’s how you can make plum juice at home:

  • Chop washed four to five plums and deposit them in a grinder. 
  • Add salt, black pepper, cumin powder, ginger, lime juice and sugar (jaggery is an alternative). 
  • Grind everything together and add water, as required. 
  • Filter the juice with a strainer and serve. 

Edited by Yoshita Rao

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