Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Science Says This Traditional Indian Souring Agent Can Help You Lose Those Extra Kilos

Malabar tamarind, a pumpkin-looking fruit that is popularly known as kudampuli or puli in Malayalam and Tamil, is the trendy cousin of mangosteen. The tree is popularly found across India and grows in almost every backyard in Kerala.

The fresh puli grows in a bright green to pale yellow colour, but undergoes a two-month curing process to become eligible for cooking. It is a mix of chilli, salt and kudampuli that makes a Kerala-style fish curry.

Apart from being a souring agent for delicious dishes, kudampuli is well-known for offering multiple health benefits. For several years, the rinds of the fruit have been dried and consumed as a remedy for stomach ailments.

However, recent studies have revealed that this sour fruit can also help to lose those extra kilos. Here’s proof.

A weight loss supplement

The Malabar tamarind is packed with nutrients including various fatty acids, amino acids and Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) among others. However, the HCA present in them offers anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, while also aiding weight loss.

Malabar tamarind weight loss

Studies explain that HCA conducts appetite suppressing activity in the body. It works by preventing an enzyme named citrate lyase from converting sugar into fats. It also triggers the production of serotonin, which leaves a person feeling full.

To prove this claim, tests were conducted among 40 people for 16 weeks. They were separated into two groups. One was given a diet with Malabar tamarind (Garcinia cambogia) extracts. The other was given a diet without garcinia cambogia.

The groups were on a diet for 12 weeks and the next four weeks were spent observing the subjects for weight relapse. By the end of the study, the group consuming Malabar tamarind showed a reduction in abdominal fat and visceral fat. During the four-week observation period, the subjects did not show any relapse in the weight loss process.

In 2015, a few other studies were conducted among diabetic mice. After consumption of Malabar tamarind extracts for four weeks, the mice showed reduced blood sugar levels.

To obtain the benefits of consuming Malabar tamarind, a person must consume it 30 minutes before any meal. While people can stick to their regular diet, they must eat smaller portions of unhealthy food.

However, it is important to consult your doctor before making any dietary changes.

If you’re wondering how to consume this naturally, here’s a simple recipe for kudampuli tea.


Dried Malabar tamarind
Cumin powder
Palm jaggery


  • Soak two big pieces of kudampuli overnight in a bowl of water.
  • On the stove, boil two glasses of water in a vessel.
  • Add the soaked kudampuli along with jaggery and a teaspoon of cumin powder to the water.
  • Allow the ingredients to simmer on a low flame for 10 minutes.
  • Filter the water and drink a glass before every meal.

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