Wednesday, November 3, 2021

This Diwali, Gift a Dream to 30 Kids & Help Them Finish School With Just a Click

The festival of lights is around the corner, and while most of you are busy decorating your houses with diyas and flowers, we want you to take a few minutes to meet the kids who really need you to light the ‘diya’ of education in their lives!

We, at The Better India, launched a campaign in January 2020, to help children from underprivileged families get access to education. Under #ProjectDreamSchool, we adopted a classroom of 30 children studying at the Dream School Foundation in Bengaluru. With your help, we raised funds to support their education for a year. This year, we are continuing to support them so they can gain the education they truly deserve.

Join #ProjectDreamSchool, an initiative by The Better India to sponsor the education of 32 children studying in government, semi government-aided and private schools in Bengaluru. Join us in helping raise funds to support the education of these students.

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We would love for you to meet and know some of the children you are supporting. Read about them here:

1. Sarvanan, An Aspiring Engineer

Sarvanan’s father is a daily wage worker. Not having a steady job or income, he works as a porter on some days or as a construction labourer on other days. His mother, on the other hand, works as a domestic helper. His parents have been juggling long hours and multiple hours to pay for his education and the house rent. Sarvanan needs your help in becoming the engineer that he aspires to be! Read more about his story here.

2. Rakesh, A Future Collector

Rakesh was only a year old when his father, who worked as a painter, passed away and his mother abandoned him. He has been living with his grandparents ever since. His 63-year-old grandparents work as helpers and construction labourers to earn money to raise him. However, because of the pandemic, his grandparents lost their jobs and are buried in debt. Rakesh is considering dropping out of school. Help him complete his education! Read more about his story here.

3. Madhumita, An Upcoming Teacher

Madhumita’s father is a coolie and takes up menial daily wage jobs to scrape a living while her mother is a domestic help. A Polio attack in her right leg rendered her mother disabled. Despite this, she works in other homes to meet the daily needs of the family. Her mother is the superhero of her life. Today, Madhumita needs your help in becoming a teacher and fulfilling her superhero’s dreams! Read more about her story here.

4. Pooja, An Aspiring Astronomer

Pooja’s parents separated when she was in Class 2. Her mother single-handedly raised her and her brother. Leaving the house at 6 am, her mother works in three houses and only returns by 8 pm. Pooja wants to grow up to be a space astronomer and fulfil her mother’s dreams. You can help her become one! Read more about her story here.

5. Priyanka, An Upcoming Doctor

Just when Priyanka was born, her father abandoned her mother and went off to live separately. Since then, her mother has been toiling as a house-help and a part-time tailor to pay for Priyanka’s education and to ensure they have food on the table. Priyanka wants her mother to stand tall whenever she speaks of her. Help her make her single mother proud! Read more about her story here.

6. Sidra Ismail, An Aspiring Doctor

Sidra’s father, the sole earning member of the family, was a lorry driver until he suffered kidney failure. Since then, he has been housebound, undergoing dialysis every alternate day. Her aunt supports the family every month now. She has seen her father suffer over the years and wants to be a doctor, so she could ease the sufferings of many like her father. You can help fulfil Sidra’s dream. Read her story here.

7. Manjunathan, A Future IPS Officer

Manjunathan was very young when his parents separated. His mother never entered the gates of a school, but she fought tooth and nail against fate to educate him and his sisters. Despite this, his oldest sister wasn’t able to get an education because of financial restraints; she is now married. His second sister completed class 12 and works at a supermarket. The third one had to drop out after class 9 to work as a house help. His mother works as a house help too. But she suffers from several ailments that make it difficult to have stable employment. Today, only you have the power to help Manjunathan study, so he can support his family. Read more about his story here.

8. Sameena, An Aspiring Doctor

Suffering from severe joint pain for years now, Sameena’s father is an autorickshaw driver. He ferries people across Bengaluru all day, all while fighting unbearable pain. He takes pain medication twice a day but continues to drive so that he can take care of her family. Sameena today wants to become a doctor so she can help her family crawl out of poverty and helplessness. She also wants to treat her father, so he no longer suffers in silence. Read more about her story here

9. Mohammad Suhail Pasha, An Upcoming Civil Engineer

Suhal’s home is tiny, where they have to go and fill water for their daily needs at the community tap. Yet, the rent is very high. Much of what his father earns goes into paying the rental charges of the auto he drives, and he is the sole earning member of our family. Suhail today dreams of becoming a Civil Engineer, and he hopes his first project is a spacious house for his family! Help Suhail become the engineer he aspires to be. Read more about his story here.

10. Mehreen, A Future Doctor

In her formative years, life wasn’t very kind to Mehreen’s family. When her father left them 13 years ago, Mehreen’s mother took charge and became the sole breadwinner of the family.

All these years, she has only seen her work hard and harder–as a house help, tailor and beautician–to keep a roof over their heads and educate us. She always believed that getting an education is the only way to crawl out of poverty and change our lives.

You can help this single mother’s proud daughter become the doctor she wants to be. Read more about her here.

11. Farhan, A Budding Cricketer

Farhan’s mother works as a domestic house help and his father works as a carpenter. On most days, his father travels in search of work, so his mother runs the household and takes care of them. Apart from working at people’s homes, she also does tailoring work for additional income. A large part of their income goes towards paying the rent for their house. Farhan aims to follow his passion to be a cricketer. You can help him be India’s upcoming captain. Read his story here

12. Ganesh, A Future CEO

When Ganesh and his sisters were growing up, they would watch their parents work day and night as tailors. For every garment they sewed, they got Rs 5. Things got worse when his mother fell ill. She was suffering from haemorrhoids and had to be operated on at once. She is also a diabetic. After the surgery, she hasn’t been able to sit for long stretches and has had to give up tailoring.

His father became the sole earning member of our family and earns Rs 2,500 per month. His sisters were bright, but they had to drop out of college because his father couldn’t afford to pay their college fees. They will soon start working to help him with the expenses. Today Ganesh needs your help in completing his education and in easing the sufferings of his family. Read about him here.

13. Rajesh, An Aspiring Businessman

Rajesh’s father sells pani puri from a makeshift stall and spends long hours on his feet each day. Yet his income is always uncertain because it depends on customers. But he doesn’t stop. He works hard to earn enough money to pay their rent and fund his daughter’s college fees. Many times, the family also takes loans to meet their needs. Rajesh wants to grow up to be a businessman and help his family get a better life. Not just his family, he aspires to help anyone in need. This is what he tells us – I may be a receiving hand today. But tomorrow, I want to be the one who gives.
You can help him become the one who gives. Read his story here.

Join #ProjectDreamSchool, an initiative by The Better India to sponsor the education of 32 children studying in government, semi government-aided and private schools in Bengaluru. Join us in helping raise funds to support the education of these students.

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Just like them, Shaziya, Kadirvel, Nikita, Imrana Parveen, Madan, Murugesan, Tulsidas, Mahesh, Nitin, Darshan, Kruthic, Chetan, Nandhini, Akshith, Shalu, Halima and Saniya have a plethora of dreams and aspirations and are counting on you to help them achieve those.

With the raging pandemic and these students having been promoted to Class 10, things have been severely difficult. Many of these students had reached the verge of quitting school since their parents lost livelihoods due to the pandemic. Many are thinking about quitting because online classes were difficult without devices and they can’t cope now. They cannot afford to lose access to their education and a chance to fight for their dreams. Therefore, we are reaching out to you, requesting help with donations/devices. Every small donation will count.

Click here to donate to #ProjectDreamSchool.

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