Friday, August 4, 2023

What to Expect at COP28 UAE: A Global Movement to Fight Climate Change

Climate action requires the collaboration and cooperation of individuals, communities, organisations, and governments. And to mitigate its effects, we need to shift from incremental steps to transformational progress that delivers for everyone, everywhere. 

That is exactly what COP28 will seek to achieve.

What is COP and why is it important?

The Conference of Parties is the supreme decision-making body for all States that are Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The UNFCCC came into force on 21 March 1994 with the aim to prevent “dangerous” human interference with the climate system. The COP meets every year to assess the progress that has been made towards this.  

These meetings have resulted in several legally binding international agreements —  including the 2015 Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.


The 28th COP is being hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at Expo City Dubai between 30 November and 12 December 2023. It will be a COP of unity, solidarity, and impact.

COP28 will see the first Global Stocktake (GST), a process mandated by the Paris Agreement to evaluate advancements towards its objectives. It is against this backdrop that COP28 will bring everyone to the table to recalibrate, raise ambitions and maximise the opportunities of the clean transition.

In January of this year, the UAE hosted the annual Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, a global sustainability event established in 2008 to accelerate sustainable economic development and facilitate partnerships to enable the energy transition.

The XX edition of ADSW drove momentum between COP27 and COP28, enabling impactful and continuous dialogue between key stakeholders. 

The UAE was the first country in the region to announce its commitment to Net Zero and has a proud track record of investing in the energy transition. This is reflected in the evolution of the country’s renewable energy powerhouse, Masdar.

The UAE’s Climate Leadership

Masdar was established in 2006 as part of the UAE leadership’s vision to diversify its economy and bring about a cycle of growth and innovation. His Excellency Dr Sultan Al Jaber, the COP President Designate, is Masdar’s founding CEO and current Chairman. Under his leadership, the company has grown to become one of the world’s largest investors in renewable energy. 

Today, Masdar has a combined investment portfolio valued at $30bn. It is at the forefront of climate innovation, operating cutting-edge renewable technologies and improving lives in over 40 countries across 6 continents. 

H.E. Dr Sultan Al Jaber brings over 20 years of industry knowledge and experience to the role of COP President-Designate and is uniquely positioned to drive critical negotiations. 

As one of the UAE’s preeminent climate champions, Dr Sultan has outlined his plans to deliver a COP for all, underpinned by the belief that everyone must be on board in order to accelerate progress.  

Over 13 days 80,000 participants, including 140 heads of state and government will meet in the UAE to reduce emissions, protect biodiversity, and support the most vulnerable communities affected by climate change

We know we aren’t moving fast enough, but we also know that we have the power to achieve a more sustainable and prosperous future, if we act in solidarity. COP-28 will be remembered for uniting everyone in action.

This article has been drafted in collaboration with Masdar.

(Edited by Divya Sethu)

United Nations Climate Change
COP 28 UAE  – UN Climate Change Conference 2023’ by Global Media Insight, Published on 23 June 2023

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