Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Chennai Scuba Diver & His 9-YO Daughter Have Collected 1000 Kg Plastic From The Ocean

A scuba diving instructor by profession, Aravind Tharunsri has been cleaning the bottom of the ocean for the past 20 years. So far, he has collected 30,000 kg of plastics from the ocean.

He advocates for marine conservation and has been encouraging his daughter to be part of his activities. Now, he is joined by his daughter in his efforts to clean the ocean.

His daughter Thaaragai Aarathana was just five years old when she started scuba diving! Together, the father-daughter duo has collected over 1,000 kg of plastic.

“I strongly believe focusing on the next generation is important. That’s why I am teaching my daughter about plastic pollution and saving marine life. So, wherever I go, I take my daughter along with me,” he says.

“We talk to people about plastic waste. We do presentations to the public and the fishermen since they are there for a longer period of time,” he says.

Apart from beach and ocean clean-up, his nine-year-old daughter is also raising awareness on protecting endangered marine animals. Recently, she swam 18 km from Covelong to Neelankari with her father’s help to raise awareness for marine life conservation. By doing so, she has also set a new record in the Assist World Records.

Thaaragai says she wants to be a diving master just like her father when she grows up. She adds, “This is our responsibility to save the ocean and the environment. I am requesting all kids like me to keep the house and the streets plastic-free. This way we will become plastic-free in the future.”

Watch this video to learn more about their initiative:

Edited by Pranita Bhat

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