Wednesday, October 25, 2023

‘I Had to Be a Caregiver at 12’: A Delhi Woman’s Listening Circles Are Helping People Heal

Namarita Kathait, a 29-year-old Delhi resident, spent the major part of her school life wondering why she had it tougher than others. Unaware of why her mother behaved in “a certain way”, Namarita did not know how to handle things. It was only later once she discovered her mother’s condition to be schizophrenia, that she got a better handle on things.

However, this did not simplify life for Namarita who had to step up as a caregiver for her younger siblings early on in life. With so much to deal with, Namarita went through her own share of mental health struggles that she found tough to articulate at the time.

But life in London, where she headed to pursue her master’s degree, changed her life.

Here, she connected with a batchmate Jhilmil, who resonated with Namarita’s story. Together the duo came up with the idea of ‘The Listening Circles’ — a safe space for people to share their stories and just be heard.

Here’s how it gave Namarita and many others the strength they were looking for.

Edited by Pranita Bhat

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