At 20, Bhargsetu Sharma risked her life to save a young man from drowning — a moment that earned her the Governor’s Medal and Raksha Mantri Prashasti for bravery. Today, at 27, her heroism takes a different form: rescuing animals who have no voice and no one else to turn to.
For Bhargsetu, this mission began long before that act of bravery. Growing up in Gujarat, her bond with animals was unshakable. In 2012, she witnessed puppies being thrown out of her society due to complaints about their “littering and pooping”. This incident marked a turning point. “They deserve to live on the planet as it belongs to all of us,” she recalls.
A year later, Bhargsetu co-founded ‘Humans with Humanity’, a rescue initiative born out of a deep-seated belief that every animal, regardless of its circumstances, deserves compassion. What started with just eight volunteers has grown into a nationwide network of over 3,000 animal lovers. To date, the organisation has rescued and rehabilitated over 5,000 animals.
Their efforts span creatures of all kinds — dogs, monkeys, birds, and more. Each rescue reflects the resilience and commitment of Bhargsetu and her team.
One particularly memorable case involved a dog that had fallen into a well. Without hesitation, Bhargsetu descended into the depths to pull the animal to safety, a testament to her hands-on approach to rescue work.
But for Bhargsetu, the work is about more than just individual rescues. She aims to foster respect for all living creatures and inspire others to adopt a mindset of empathy and action. “We don’t call ourselves animal welfare activists. We call ourselves humanitarians,” she adds.
Her work has garnered national attention. In 2019, Bhargsetu appeared on MTV Roadies Real Heroes, where she shared her story and advocated for animal rights. She continues to educate people on the importance of animal welfare and encourages others to join the fight for a kinder world.
Bhargsetu’s journey reminds us that one individual, driven by compassion and determination, can make a profound difference. With each rescue, she nurtures a culture of empathy that can change the world, one animal at a time.
Edited by Khushi Arora
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